Our Parish

"God asks little, but He gives so much"
- St. John Chrysostom

We're a young parish

Our parish is literally just starting out. Come and become a founding member. 

Our Narthex

The Narthex is where the faithful worship God during liturgical services.

Our Iconostasis

The Iconostasis is the point where the Church transitions from the Narthex into the Sanctuary.

Christ, the Ruler of All

On the ceiling of most Orthodox Churches, one will see the “Pantocrator.” This Greek term which signifies this particular image of Christ, reminds us that Christ is the “All-Powerful.” 

Orthodoxy in Guanajuato

Guanajuato is considered one the most religious states in Mexico. It makes sense that the one area in this country that expresses a profound faith in God should invite the Orthodox Church to exist there.